As summer enters it’s last month, the sad truth is that we only have 4 weeks left to take advantage of the hot, hot heat, revelry, and nautical-themed attire that’s only appropriate May-September. Before you break out those winter jackets, I highly suggest you find yourself a boat and ask permission to board. Or, you may invest in your own center console boats that you can use for several activities. If you’re also planning to build a dock for your new boat, you may contact EZ Dock of Long Island to hire a floating dock builder in Port Jefferson NY.
THIS is how you have a boat-y bash…

Captain of the yacht, Stephen, was kind enough to have all of us on board to celebrate a birthday bash for Lindsey Thayer, while Stephen’s partner in crime, Jill, did an amazing job of hosting the event. Here’s how to do it right:
1. Say “Hi” to Everyone on the High Seas:
Show your friendliness – or wait – is it just bragging when you’re waving to them from your vessel and they shoot you dirty looks from their kayaks? “Thank you for being here today.”

2. Bring the Party INTO the Water:
Our version of a SURFBORT. We all agreed this is what Beyonce was referring to.

3. Take Lots of Selfies:
Basically just to prove to everyone via Instagram where you are, what you’re doing, and how much fun you’re having with or without them.

4. Have a Dance Party on the Bow:
Because there ain’t no party like a bow dance party ’cause a bow dance party don’t stop. Plus the view is infinitely cooler than any dance floor you’ll be breaking it down on at “da club”.

5. Obligatory Jump Pic
If you’re on a boat that large and not leaping off the edge for the sheer thrill, ya got problems.

6. Surround Yourself with Good Friends
No matter what you’re doing, who you’re doing it with is important. As long as you have buddies by your side, a drink in your hand, and the wind at your back, the rest is smooth sailing…er…cruising.

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