
6:45 AM
Today was a big today because there was a new menu for the cleanse. Days 1 & 2 shared a menu, as did days 3-5, so I was excited to see what I would be drinking in the AM. I hauled ass to the gym (chest day, if you must know), and replenished when I returned home with the Energize Soup and Energy Tea. I took Military Muscle before the gym for higher energy levels. Energize reminded me of a delicious strawberry smoothie, with sprouted cashews and honey added as well. After brewing my tea, I hit the road for what was going to be a busy day.

11:30 AM
I grabbed another Miso Broth, Soothe Soup, and sipped while I banged out some blog deadlines. It was a nice mid-morning pick-me-up.

1:30 PM
Hunger was coming in hot, so I warmed my first Restore Soup – which contained sweet potato, lemongrass, and ginger. Now listen, I’m probably the only person in the Hamptons and Hollywood who isn’t a fan of sweet potatoes. I know how good they are for you, the many health benefits, but I just can’t wrap my head around them. However, if you are a fan of the food, you’ll L O V E this soup. I ate it quickly and opted for another plate of my chicken breast and spinach as a supplement, with my Relax Tea as my beverage. Perfectly sensible lunch.

3:30 PM
“SEND HELP,” were the words that kept running through my mind. I had hit that dreaded mid-afternoon slump and I felt like I would have murdered a family of four just to have a chunk of dark chocolate. I didn’t break my diet, I’m proud to say, and I was learning that the Healthy Foundation Reset was a great lesson in willpower. Though I was tempted to cheat, I really wanted to see the results and let the cleanse run its course.

7:00 PM
After hitting the Cryo Chamber at Next Health, which I’ll go into more detail about later, I headed home and warmed what was probably my favorite soup to eat so far, Protect Soup. Described as a split pea soup, it was made from pea plant, with chlorophyll, cumin, and oregano added in as well. Like, whoa. YUM. It was the perfect comfort food after my rough afternoon. Combined with my Sleep Tea, I was feeling GOOD.

Day 3 Overall Feeling: 7/10


Founder & Creator of Hamptons to Hollywood, lifestyle blogger, entertainer, and all-around lover of life.

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