Chicago friends, Trevor and Jason, headed to the City of Angels this past weekend and brought with them all the sass and shenanigans we all expected. However, this time they brought their friend Christy with them, a spunky ball of energy that could more than hold all her with a group guys. In fact, she might have partied harder than all of us (?).
On Thursday, after a long day, I met up with the Chicogonians and Jon, who were all partaking in a little happy hour. Before we all knew it, we were out on the town at a nightclub where everyone was preparing for the busy LA Pride Weekend. We somehow ended up at the Sofitel Hotel for a brief moment, but with just enough time to hijack the photo-booth that was on display (because I always love a good photobooth) and I’m pretty sure the night ended with Jon and I going on a classy outing to Taco Bell. On Friday, a fun house party was in the itinerary, complete with an ice-luge for shots to be poured down your gullet. However, when we arrived, there was an issue with getting everyone on the guest list because we were ROLLING DEEP – but it’s always fun to go out with a huge group of people. Needless to say, we started to leave while Jon disappeared into the party to go schmooze someone. I, on the other hand, headed straight for the back gate in an attempt to break into the party one way or another. I ended up buzzing into an apartment complex next door to the house party, ran through the complex, hoisted myself onto a chair, and Tarzan-swung from a branch onto the roof of a shed in the backyard. I quickly descended from said shed, landed on my feet and brushed myself off before walking into the party like the secret agent I was pretending to be. Once I set out to locate Jon, I ran into Trevor, Jason, and the rest of our crew, realizing that Jon had came through after all and was able to gain everyone entry. But whatever, my entrance was SO MUCH COOLER, save for the 3-inch gash that I acquired on my wrist from the damn tree branch.
Saturday was another house party, dinner at STK with Jon, and a wild night and then SUNDAY we all rallied, arose early and headed to brunch with the weekend crew. Jason’s friend, Lo, then insisted that we all ride in her convertible to Bagatelle. I have never jumped into a vehicle faster in my life at the sound of someone uttering the word, “convertible.” I don’t know why, but I’ve always loved ’em. They’re just fun, breezy, and stereotypically California to me, so when the six of us were cruising down Melrose with our hair blowing in the Cali sunshine and blasting the latest Top 40 hits, it was pretty much like an episode of 90210 or something. Or maybe just a really cheesy Katy Perry video.
Nonetheless, Bagatelle was a hoot as always where we got to see Shawn and Rafael – every time I go there I always end up meeting beautiful women, so that never sucks. And speaking of drop dead babes, we then we headed to our friend Emily’s house for a little party before finally ending the night with dancing and drinks. Best weekend in a while? Yeah, I guess you could say that. 🙂

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